In a previous post on the topic of spatial statistics, we have shown how to define the type of spatial distribution of discrete objects. But, besides distribution of the objects themselves, a spatial distribution of their characteristics may have a certain interest, as well. For the same objects, some characteristics may feature a uniform type […]
This post begins a series of posts on the spatial statistics techniques. Spatial statistics is a cross-disciplinary field between geoinformatics and statistics. Its methods are useful at spatial data analysis that is analyzing the data of spatially coordinated observations. If a geographical location of observations matters, this makes a very case for the application of […]
Building a DTM in ArcMap and parameters used Let’s discuss building a DEM from digitized elevation contours of the topographic map using ArcGIS. Our task We obtained digitized elevation contours of topographic plans of 1: 1000 scale covering Kharkiv Lesopark (“forest park”) and some surrounding areas. We were eager to create a digital elevation […]
While term ‘geospatial’ is becoming more and more trendy, many do still not know what hides behind the term. List of reasons for learning some geomatics as soon as possible could probably make a whole dedicated post. This time though, we won’t be convincing you that geospatial technology is amazing, but will give a list […]