Geodigest. 5/2016


Have a look at our digest reviewing news and interesting facts, a periodic selection of all things geo. Feel free to add your news links in the comments below!


September 14-16 – “GIS technologies in territorial management” international conference will take place in Odessa.

November 11th 2016 – Esri’s Global Content Challenge is open to undergraduate or graduate students closes.



QGIS 2.16 ‘Nødebo’ is released!

MapSwipe is a mobile app that lets you help put the world’s most vulnerable people on the map.

New version of Mapillary app is faster and more convenient.

DesignSpace – a prototype app by Thomas Van Bouwel is an urban planning / architecture design tool for virtual reality.

What’s new with ArcGIS Pro 1.3.

The Space Time Cube Explorer add-in for ArcGIS Pro has been released.



State of the Map US 2016 videos.


Various things

OpenTransportNet, a project providing open transport data across Europe.

D-PLACE – the Database of Places, Language, Culture and Environment

Awesome GIS –  collection of the GIS related sources.

Real-time data on space weather are now available along with an archive of DSCOVR data.

California City, the third largest city in California, that was never finished, inspired video art.

Exploring CKAN data portals with QGIS CKAN-Browser plugin.

A small startup that makes maps for driverless cars just raised $6.6 million.

Different possibilities of geocoding in QGIS, ArcGIS and Leaflet.

Which GIS skills are in highest demand.

Join MapClub, a private slack community of cartographers, mappers and GIS Professionals, fund them on kickstarter.

Podcast for commercial drone industry.

Here’s app has changed its name.

Ways to get a job in the “geo-industry”.

Easy OSM export as an image file.

Have a listen to VerySpatial Podcast.



Winners of 2016 Esri Storytelling with Maps Contest.

The Big Mac index by The Economist, a lighthearted guide to whether currencies are at their “correct” level.

Map of The Soviet Gulag Archipelago 1923-1961

Change detection assessing deforestation in the Carpathians by

Live lightning map.

Nice weather map.

Spread of the Words For Tea & Coffee Around the World.

The London Picture Map.



Magic roundabout