Fact or fiction? April Fool’s Quiz


Dear readers! Today, we propose you to have fun a little bit. We prepared a small trivia quiz in which you have to tell whether a statement is true or false.

Be cautious – it’s April Fool’s day! :)

To end with is a tool which will enrich with fun not only April the 1-st, but any other day as well. This plugin works for both maps and any web pages. Come and show it quickly to your friends or colleagues and add it to your sites – while it is April Fool’s day! …because, well, the other day it may be a little, err, embarrassing 😉

(Click below to open the map, turn the sound on and pan or zoom)
fart map
Thank you for your time! Don’t hesitate to share your quiz results, appreciation or criticism in the comments below or in the social media.