To sum up this passing year we have created a list of seven most popular posts in 2017. Have a look at what people have been most interested in our blog. Also, we have a slightly different list of favorites among our Ukrainian readers. Free online GIS courses and more, 2017 edition Indoor […]
12 / 2017
While performing supervised classification it is possible to obtain, in addition to the classified map, the rule images of your classification. You can learn what they are, and how to view these images can in a previous post. This post is about how to improve the quality of the classification with the help of rule images. […]
Planet Labs is a startup created by former NASA employees. Planet is designing and manufacturing miniature remote sensing satellites called Doves. The constellation of Dove satellites provides a global coverage with images of 3-5 m resolution, part of the data is in open access. It proves that “the sky in the limit” saying not true […]
Intellias is one of the few employers in Ukraine that offer positions in the area of geospatial technologies. The company is also the organizer of “Map Solutions”, a digital mapping, navigation, and LBS conference. 50 North had a chat with Intellias’ co-founder and COO, Michael Puzrakov, about the story of creation and development of the best […]