Read our periodic collection of news and interesting facts from the world of Geo. Also feel free to share your findings in the comments! Various things Esri’s Open Vision How Mapbox hires Drones vs. birds of prey Paving a path to Smart Communities A travel service for following your DNA origins Mapzen have created […]
03 / 2017
Building a DTM in ArcMap and parameters used Let’s discuss building a DEM from digitized elevation contours of the topographic map using ArcGIS. Our task We obtained digitized elevation contours of topographic plans of 1: 1000 scale covering Kharkiv Lesopark (“forest park”) and some surrounding areas. We were eager to create a digital elevation […]
Geography Department of Kharkiv National University recently held GIS-Forum, perhaps the most important and the most anticipated annual event in Ukrainian GIS industry. For the sixth year in a row GIS-Forum gathers specialists in different fields: scientists, teachers and students. GIS-wizards and those, who are only studying, gather for three days to share their experience, […]