
In early June this year Intellias company hosted the second “Map Solutions” conference in  Kyiv. A brief overview can be found here. Today we will take a closer look at the speech of Vladimir Agafonkin, a well-known developer of the Leaflet library. Quoting his LinkedIn profile, Vladimir is a lead JavaScript Engineer at Mapbox, an […]

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Applying any classification algorithm to interpret a remotely sensed image we are always interested in the result accuracy. The simplest way to assess it is the visual evaluation. Comparing the image with the results of its interpretation, we can see errors and roughly estimate their size. But if we need a reliable accuracy assessment, we […]

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In this article you will learn: why cartography should change or die, how to create a map that is annoying, how to make an understandable map.   Old-school Cartography In 2016, the word “cartography” often puts surprised look on the face of the person you’re talking to. Next, several questions may follow: aren’t all maps […]

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It has finally happened! The State Aviation Administration of Ukraine worked out and published ‘guidelines for the owners of unmanned aircrafts’ in the form of understandable infographics (fig. 1). Fig. 1. Information for the operators of UAVs published on August 19, 2016 by the State Aviation Administration caused very mixed response in the drone community, […]

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