
Modern software for satellite image processing offers its users a wide range of supervised classification algorithms (more detail can be found here). It yields powerful capabilities for automation of the image interpretation process. In return for that, a user should make training areas of high quality. It is this quality what defines the accuracy of the […]

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When talking about GIS in Ukraine, there are very few informational resources coming to mind, that could help in case one wants to go online and check current situation and projects running in the industry. While many people living in Ukraine are still oftentimes forced to refer to foreign resources in order to find tutorials […]

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GIS-forum, a platform for geo related communacation, took place last week in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Here is a short review by Yaroslav Smirnov telling mostly about the atmosphere of the event. GIS-forum 2016 has ended and I am writing this post on a train that slowly but steadily heads West from the East. As the overwhelming […]

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Bodies emit radiation. The warmer the body the more the emittance. When we look at the Sun, or even feel it on our skin without actually seeing it, we definitely know that it emits radiation. Especially when we forget about sunscreen. From Wien’s displacement law we can learn that the peak radiation of a black […]

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Advancements in the modern GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) infrastructure, and, based on it, creation of networks of active reference stations transmitting observation data at high speeds and with low data deference, drew academic community’s attention to the efficient usage of this data. Modern GNSS networks provide a substantial supplement to other geophysical networks (e.g. […]

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This post’s title partially repeats a topic of my speech at a wonderful open GIS user meeting which took place at the Institute of Geography [of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine] at the end of January. But like in any other public speech the most important things were not those said by me, […]

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Today, geographic information technologies in Ukraine are still seen as novelty. Considering how widely and how often they are used across the industries, then this statement is quite true. And even though there is a wide range of open source application solutions available, representatives of various sectors rarely use GIS for process optimization. One reason […]

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While term ‘geospatial’ is becoming more and more trendy, many do still not know what hides behind the term. List of reasons for learning some geomatics as soon as possible could probably make a whole dedicated post. This time though, we won’t be convincing you that geospatial technology is amazing, but will give a list […]

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I’d like to talk to you about one interesting thing. Everyone “works” with it daily without realising it. We will talk about the land relief or terrain. According to official definition terrain is a “the vertical and horizontal dimension of land surface”. So, it is only a shape. But this is the case when it’s […]

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