Data is becoming more and more accessible nowadays. It’s amazing how the community is working together to provide open data and software to anyone needing it. The original version of this post has been created for Ukrainian readers. You can have a look at it in Ukrainian. It compiles some generic open geodata sources and […]
11 / 2015
Intro to Remote Sensing. Part 1 This is the first post of a series talking about core concepts of remote sensing. Here we will talk about electromagnetic radiation. On my bumpy road towards an MSc diploma, in the very beginning – in fact, somewhere halfway the “GOEG6062: Core skills in remote sensing” course – it […]
Drones a.k.a. unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are taking over. They are used nearly in all parts of our lives. Be it secret military operation, border patrol, search and rescue, or taking a family photo, or even pizza delivery, drones can do it all. It seems that one of a few factors restricting the use of […]